Miscellaneous Byproducts

(a.k.a.  Deep Fried Pizza)
by Tony Vowell of 
The Lost Coast blog.

NOTE:  Something of a speciality in Scotland along with its sibling the Scotish Coronary on a Stick (a.k.a. Deep Fried Mars Bar & Chips).  This recipe is very difficult to do at home, as you need a LOT of very hot oil.  It is therefore not a great college recipe, though I don't doubt there will be some who will try it anyway.  Perhaps you could sneak into a fast food restaurant to attempt it.  Or maybe get a job at one and do them after hours.  Or maybe you just need to go to Scotland and buy one from a duly authorized vendor. 


  • A standard supermarket 9" frozen pizza, the cheapest you can find, (you know the ones, the kind with no nutritional value whatsoever), your choice of toppings
  • Authentic "chip shop" fish batter, composed of a milk/water/flour solution mixed to cream consistency 
  • Beef fat fry (or lesser oil-based fry)

Procure your frozen pizza, mix up some batter, break into the local Bob Evans and fire up the fryer.  Using tongs, dip your pizza into the batter then lob it in the hot fat fry.  When it's finished, it should come out like a melted frisbee, hence the name. The 'skill' is in ensuring that it is properly cooked inside before the batter turns dark brown.

The pizza is a dangerous bit of kit, as the batter has hollows and pockets which trap the hot oil, so beware.

Serve with chips (a.k.a. fried potatoes).