Miscellaneous Byproducts


by E. Fritzius

NOTE: As should be evident by this point, college cuisine often originates on a dare or as an attempt to seem weird / cool / interesting to anyone who happens to be watching.  This recipe began as neither.  It was created in order to gross out fellow my good friend and former roommate, Joe "Damn" Evans.  And while it was quite effective in achieving this goal, the drink itself is not necessarily recommended for consumption unless you're looking for a good ipecac. 


  • Some generic tomato juice 
  • Some generic lemon-lime soft drink 
  • A clear glass 
  • A bottle of kitchen strength Milk of Magnesia 

Pour equal amounts of both the tomato juice and lemon-lime soft drink into the clear glass. Stir. The resulting mixture should look quite a bit like watery tomato juice.

Now find an especially weak-stomached friend, preferably one who just went with you down to the local monster Chinese buffet bar and stuffed himself over capacity. Next, tell him what's in it, then drink it in front of him.

You should live, but even if you don't it will be well worth the expression of revulsion on your friend's face.

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