Miscellaneous Byproducts

By Ron "Svengali G. Willickers" Ingels

NOTE: Okay, this is a drink recipe that has stood the test of time with our little peer group, and usually ends up being requested at any get together where alcohol is consumed (parties, church services, finals, etc.). I'm talking about the one and only Leprechaun Piss. The recipe is dazzlingly simple and the ingredients combine to form a harmonious mixture.


  • 1 oz. blue curacao (it's a blue colored, orange flavored liqueur. Don't ask why)
  • 1 oz. triple sec (likewise orange flavored, but clear)
  • 1 oz peach schnapps (likewise clear, but peach flavored)
  • Top with orange juice, which as a rule is both orange colored and flavored, providing a logical base for the whole mess. For extra credit, try using different juices to top off the booze; I recommend orange -pineapple -banana.

When mixed correctly, the blue curacao and OJ combine to form an eerie chemlab-gone-wrong greenish color that resembles drain cleaner (I'm a no-rust-buildup man myself,) but the drink itself is deceptively sweet and doesn't appear to pack much of a wallop until you try to stand up. If you have a burning desire to cause irreparable harm to yourself (immediately after a break-up, for instance) add some vodka. 

Serves:  One and will festively decorate about three square feet one half hour after ingestion.
