Miscellaneous Byproducts

by Mr Herman & Bill Moody

NOTE: This dish was originally designed by a former roommate of mine named Billy Moody.  It's a marvelous college dish that's very cheap and fills you up. I took one look at it and christened it "Tuna Happy".  This may also be the only dish on this entire page that allows the preparer to follow printed instructions from the back of a box. Feel blessed.


  • A box of cheap-ass macaroni and cheese, the kind you can get 4 for a dollar.
  • A can of cheap-ass tuna, the kind that probably still contains dolphin even though it doesn't go out of its way to call attention to it.
  • Some cheap-ass butter or margarine, the kind that probably has butter-tallow on the surface.
  • Some cheap-ass milk, (uhh, if you can find some let me know, cause damn, milk be `spensive!)
  • Doritos, your choice of flavor (optional)

Prepare the macaroni and cheese as per instructions on the packet, adding the butter and milk as indicated.

Add a can of tuna to the cooked macaroni & cheese product and stir vigorously or until tuna has spread throughout the dish.

Sculpt into the shape of Ernest Borgnine (optional).

My wife makes a similar dish called Tuna Ecstatic.  To make it, you follow the above instructions for making Tuna Happy, then add fresh mushrooms to the mix at the end.

Another option I've found to be enjoyable is to add a slice of pepper-jack cheese into the mix.  It's nifty! But then again, pepper-jack isn't known as "the nifty cheese" for nothing.

© 1999 Mister Herman's Production Co., Ltd.