Catgames Hatemail

Yes Indeedy...

     despite being afflicted with the curse of being a damn genius, even simple folk like myself occasionally get hate mail.   Why, there's just no tellin' what's going to set somebody off and cause them to fire off angry and threatening missives in my general direction.  It’s to be expected, I suppose—what, with one man's cat tormentor being another man's cat tormentor, and all.   It's also almost always entertaining.

     Until now, most of the angry letters I’ve received for my Cat Games page have come from a lone 9-year old WebTV user, circa 1999, or so.  She's pushing 18, these days, so I figure she's calmed down and found other passtimes.  Besides, I didn’t print her letters because making fun of most WebTV users is like making fun of the handicapped.  I suppose the same could be said for other such email services, though, particularly ones with only three letters. 

     Below is the latest such letter of complaint and/or threat.  As is my policy, I have not edited it for content or grammar, but have merely deleted the THREE letters (no vowels, mind) in the sender's email address.

DATE:  Mar 17, 2007 6:27 PM  
SUBJECT:  are etyou even human  

i well start by saying that im a total cat lover i have 7 of them  for you to put that crap on the web site about cat games if thats what you really do with youre cats  then youre a sorry excuse for a human being you should be thrown in jail and on death row you jackass!!! people like you dont deserve to live it only means you were treated that way as a kid  haaaaa haaa you better hope to god that i dont ever meet you you are going to wish that you were dead give youre cats to a loving family but a demented person like you probably doest know of any rot in hell

Mister Herman's Cat Games